Tasks are one-time achievement or directive-based recognitions. Utilizing the Tasks feature in the Recognize platform is an effective way to engage with your employees and allows employees to self-report verifiable activities and earn points for what they accomplish.
For example, you may create an initial task for everyone in your organization to sign in to Recognize for the first time. You can communicate available Tasks via our Announcements feature by creating a 'post' with information about the task on the stream page for all to see, or 'notify' specific groups about the task via email or SMS
It's important to note that completed Tasks are not tied to Badges and do not appear in the Stream Page as social recognition Badges do. Points are received by the submitter only when the Task submission has been resolved/approved. Tasks can be approved by Company Admins, or a users direct Manager, depending on the approval settings configured when creating a task.
Tasks can only be created by a Company Admin and can be either open for everyone, or assigned to specific groups of users through use of 'Roles'. If you are using Roles in conjunction with Tasks, your Roles will need to be created prior to creating and assigning your Tasks. For more information on Roles and Role management, please see our article How to Add Company Roles in Recognize.
See the below video for an overview of Tasks. Further down, you will also find step-by-step instructions.
Here are the steps for creating, assigning, submitting, and resolving Tasks with Recognize:
How to Enable Tasks as a Company Admin
How to Create a Task as a Company Admin
How to Assign a Task Using 'Roles' as a Company Admin
How to Communicate an Available Task as a Company Admin
How to Complete/Submit a Task as a General User
How to View Submitted Tasks as a User
How to Resolve a Task as a Company Admin
How to Resolve a Task as a Manager
How to Enable Tasks as a Company Admin
- Click 'Menu' from the upper right-hand corner of Recognize
- Select 'Company Admin' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Settings' from the left-side navigation column
- Locate the 'Tasks' section of the Settings page
- Toggle the button next to 'Enable Tasks' to 'On'
- To allow points earned from approved tasks to be redeemed for rewards, toggle the button next to 'Make points from tasks redeemable' to 'On'
- Click on the 'Stream' button in the top left nav bar, which will refresh the page, and Tasks should now be in the nav bar as its own icon
How to Create a Task as a Company Admin
- Click 'Menu' from the upper right-hand corner of Recognize
- Select 'Company Admin' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Tasks' from the left-side navigation column
- Select 'Manage' in the upper right corner of the Tasks page
- Select the 'Create Task' button in the upper left side of the 'Manage' page
- Populate the following fields for each Task:
- Name (required; give the Task a distinctive name so that employees will know what it's for)
- Points (optional; assign points for completing the Task)
- Categories (optional; tags the task to a specific category, such as 'Onboarding', etc. and is useful for reporting on larger initiatives. Make sure you've completed the preliminary step of Creating Tags)
Roles (optional; This indicates who should see and have access to complete the task - Leaving this field blank opens up the task to be viewed and completed by anyone. Make sure you've completed the preliminary step of creating Roles)
- If you would like this task to be approved only by Company Admins, toggle the 'Only Admin Approval' button 'On' (When this is off, tasks can be approved by both Company Admins and a users direct Manger)
- Select 'Save'
How to Assign a Task Using 'Roles' as a Company Admin
Note: Company Roles must be created before they can be assigned, and can be done so manually from the Company Admin portal, via your user sync, or using Dynamic Roles. See our Company Roles article for more information.
- Click 'Menu' from the upper right-hand corner of Recognize
- Select 'Company Admin' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Users' from the left-side navigation pane
- Select 'Manage' in the top right menu
- Click the 'Toggle column visibility' icon above the user table
- Select 'Company Roles' from the drop-down menu - this will add a 'Company Roles' column to the user table
Under the 'Company Roles' column, enter the Role that corresponds to your created task. This will automatically add your task to that user's account.
How to Communicate an Available Task as a Company Admin
There are currently two options for communicating available Tasks from Recognize to users.
- You can use our Announcements feature to 'post' information about the task on the stream page for all to see, or 'notify' specific groups about the task via email or SMS.
How to Complete/Submit a Task as a General User
- Select 'Tasks' from the top left navigation menu
- Enter a summary of the Task you completed
- Select the name of the Task you completed
- Enter how many times the Task was completed
- Add any additional comments you have regarding this Task
- If you wish to submit additional tasks, select '+Add task' and enter the corresponding information
- Click the 'Submit' button to send your Task(s) for approval
How to View Submitted Tasks as a General User
- Select your name/avatar from the upper right-hand corner beside the menu button to open your profile
- Select 'Tasks' from the menu below your profile header to view all of your Task submissions
View the Status of each submitted Task on the right side of the table
How to Resolve a Task as a Company Admin
Once Tasks are created and assigned, users can complete them and they can be approved/denied via the Company Admin portal or the Manager portal (or both), depending on the specific Task setting.
- Click 'Menu' from the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Select 'Company Admin' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Tasks' from the left side navigation menu
- Filter Tasks by interval/time period as needed
- View the 'Status' of each Task on the right side of the Task table:
- Approved (previously approved task)
- Denied (previously denied task)
- Resolve (action required - approve or deny)
- To approve or deny a task, select 'Resolve'
- Once 'Resolve' is clicked, a smaller screen will pop-up with options to Approve or Deny
- There will also be a field for adding an optional message to the submitter
- Click 'Submit' to resolve the Task when finished
How to Resolve a Task as a Manager
- Click 'Menu' from the upper right-hand corner of the screen
- Select 'Manager Portal' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Tasks' from the left side navigation menu
- Filter Tasks by interval/time period as needed
- View the 'Status' of each Task on the right side of the Task table:
- Approved (previously approved task)
- Denied (previously denied task)
- Resolve (action required - approve or deny)
- To approve or deny a task, select 'Resolve'
- Once 'Resolve' is clicked, a smaller screen will pop-up with options to Approve or Deny
- There will also be a field for adding an optional message to the submitter
- Click 'Submit' to resolve the Task when finished