If your company has opted to have an approval process for Recognition, and a Recognition is submitted for approval, the sender's (or recipient's, depending on settings) Manager can determine whether the Recognition gets sent, and what point value gets assigned to each individual Recognition (if your company uses points, and the Badge used has associated point variants). While the approval process itself happens within the Manager Portal, Managers will also want to keep an eye on their email for notifications of new pending Recognitions so that they are approving Recognitions in a timely manner. Managers can jump straight to the 'Pending Recognitions' table by clicking on the 'Approve or Deny' button within the email notification.
Here is an example of a Recognition Approval Email that you might receive as a Manager when your company has chosen to implement Manager approvals:
To approve Recognitions and assign point values from within the Manager portal:
- Select 'Menu' from the top right-hand corner of your screen
- Select 'Manager Portal' from the drop-down menu
- Select 'Recognitions' from the navigation panel on the left side of the page
- Select 'Pending' from the top navigation bar on the right
- From here, you will see any Pending Recognitions in the table in the center of your screen - these Recognitions will not be sent or show up in the Stream Page until they have been approved
- To assign point value (if your company uses points) and approve the Recognition, select the 'Approve' button
- You will then receive a pop-up with details of the Recognition (make sure you do not have a pop-up blocker turned on)
- When the Approval window pops up, you will see details for sender, recipient, and Badge
- You will also see the Recognition Message, which you'll want to review to ensure it aligns with the Badge selected and meets criteria for recognition
- Select a Point Value to assign to the Badge from the drop-down based on criteria met
NOTE: If your company uses Point Allocations, the approver will only see the point variants that the sender can afford. If the sender does not have a sufficient point balance at the time of approval and the Badge is not set up to be sent without points, the approver will receive an error message.
- If you wish to move forward with approving the Recognition, select 'Approve', at which point you will receive a confirmation of approval, the Recognition will be posted to the Stream and to any integrations your company uses (unless marked as private), and any associated points will be sent to the recipient
- If you wish to deny the Recognition, select 'Cancel'
- You can then select 'Deny' instead of 'Approve' above the Recognition from the 'Pending Recognitions' table
- You will see a Denial window pop-up
- You can then enter a Message as to why the Recognition is being denied - try to be detailed with this so that the sender will have future guidance
- When you are done, select the 'Deny' button upon which point the sender will be notified
- Last, you'll see a message confirming the denial