Recognize permits companies to offer a wide range of Rewards for their employees - both provider-fulfilled (e.g. gift cards) and company-fulfilled (e.g. company swag, physical items, days off). However, some companies may lean more towards collective rewards for teams rather than for individuals, as these options can be more economical and easier to budget for; and for that matter, there may not always be a budget for monetary rewards.
With that in mind, here are some ideas for potential 'group rewards' that could be leveraged for your teams:
On-site Group Reward Ideas
- Group Lunch: Cater in a local favorite to surprise and delight employees for breakfast or lunch in the office.
- Team Breakfast/Lunch with the CEO or Founder: This can be a special experience, especially for larger companies where employees may not get face time with leaders.
- Office Party: Throw a themed office party. This can be a fun and relaxing way to reward the team for their hard work.
- Workshops or Seminars: Hire a speaker to come inspire your employees or help them learn new skills.
- Community Service: Host a telethon or donation drive where employees can contribute and work together to help the community.
- Field Day: Host a 'field day' on-site where employees can team up and play games to encourage friendly competition and camaraderie.
- Recognition in Company Meetings: Give the group public recognition in a company-wide meeting.
- Special Team 'Swag': Order branded t-shirts or sweatshirts with your team or department embroidered on them.
- Bonus: A monetary bonus can be a great reward. This could be a set amount or it could be a percentage of the project's earnings. Send the bonus as a Badge in Recognize with points equivalent attached!
- Wellness Programs: Pay for a group wellness program, such as a yoga class or massage therapy for employees to attend on-site.
- Premium Parking Spots (for the week/month): We all know parking can be a hassle sometimes, so reserving a few front row spots as a reward option can be a great way to incentivize employees without hitting the budget!
Off-site Group Reward Ideas
- Group Lunch or Dinner: A group lunch or dinner at a fancy restaurant. This gives the group a chance to bond outside of the workplace and feel appreciated.
- Retreat: Organize a team retreat. This could be a weekend at a cabin, a camping trip, or a beach vacation.
- Workshops or Seminars: Pay for the group to attend a workshop or seminar off-site that would be beneficial for their work and personal development.
- Community Service: Organize a day for the team to volunteer at a local charity or participate in a clean up project together. This can be a rewarding experience that also helps improve the community.
- Sports Event: Take the group to a sports event, like a baseball game or a soccer match.
- Cooking Class or Wine Tasting: Depending on the interests of your employees, you could consider offering a group Reward option for a cooking class, wine tasting, or crafting workshop.
- Team Building Activities: Book an activity off-site that encourages teamwork, like a scavenger hunt or escape room.
- Extra Time Off: Reward the group with an extra day off or a late start/early finish day.
- Health and Wellness Perks: Consider rolling added perks like gym memberships or wellness apps into employee benefits.