Badges are one of the core elements of the Recognize employee recognition platform. They are often used as visual representatives for behaviors that exhibit core values. Badges can also help staff feel connected to the organization's mission and goals and can help connect the dots between what actions or behaviors are expected, and what's considered going above and beyond at their company. See the below video for a quick Badge overview.
To view an inclusive list of Badges offered at your company, you can sign in to your Recognize account, and follow the below steps:
- From the Stream Page, select the 'Badge' icon in the top left main menu
View Recognition Badges or Nomination Badges (if your company is using our Nominations feature) by clicking between the two at the top
- Each Badge name will be listed above the Badge
- Note each Badge visual that represents the core value or behavior for the corresponding Badge
- Read through the description for the Badges, which should include criteria for using the Badge to recognize someone
- Notice any associated points that are listed under 'Points' next to the Badge
- The 'Sendable By' section indicates who can send the Badge and whether it is restricted to certain Roles
- The 'Type' section indicates whether you are viewing a recognition Badge or a nomination Badge, and whether the Badge requires approval
- You may also see a section that indicates there is a sending limit for the Badge if your company has chosen to limit the amount of Badges that can be sent
- When you are ready to recognize someone, you'll click on the 'Recognize' button in the top left main menu
- You will then see the list of Badges that you are eligible to send pop up
- From here, you can view how many Badges you have left to send (if your company places limits on Badge sending), as well as whether you have enough points to send the Badge (if your company is using our Points Allocation feature)