Recognize offers Leaderboard options to further engage staff and provide a visual way to identify and showcase top employees and teams. See the below links to learn more about these Leaderboard options and how to configure them.
Stats Tab
The Stats Tab in the top main toolbar of Recognize shows program engagement leaderboards according to your company's specified settings. You can choose to display the stats focused on each user who is viewing the Stats tab from their Recognize account, the stats of each team, and/or stats for the whole company. The leaderboards within the Stats tab show total points which will include points earned for sending a recognition, +1'ing, and receiving a +1.
Use the links below to jump to specific instructions:
How to Configure the Stats Tab
Viewing the Stats Page as a User
How to Configure the Stats Tab
First, navigate to the Stats tab settings by following the steps below:
- Click 'Menu' in the upper left hand corner
- Select 'Company Admin' from the dropdown menu
- Once in the Company Admin portal, select 'Settings' from the left hand navigation bar
- Select 'Leaderboards' in the navigation pane on the right-hand side of the page to jump to Stats configuration settings
Stats Tab Settings
Below, you will find an explanation for each setting that you can use to configure your company's Stats tab.
- 'Enable leaderboards focused on the user' - Enabling this setting will show leaderboards for the current viewing user's team and where they fall within their team's engagement
- 'Enable leaderboards for top employees' - Enabling this setting will show the top employees leaderboard, which shows the first place user, down to the last
NOTE: You may show both the top employee and the current user-focused leaderboards (user and team), or choose to show neither. If you choose to show neither, toggle each option to 'OFF'. This will disable the Stats page entirely, so once you refresh the page, the top navigation button titled "Stats" will disappear altogether.
Viewing the Stats Page as a User
The 'Stats' tab in the main toolbar shows point leaderboards at the individual, team, and company level and provides a gamification aspect to your company's recognition program. It's important to note though, that the Stats tab may or may not show up for you, depending on your company's settings.
- After logging in, select the 'Stats' icon on the upper left navigation bar to view your company's leaderboards
- Select which Badge (if any) that you would like to see stats for from the drop down menu
- Select the time frame you wish to see Stats for. You can view these metrics by Month, Quarter, Year, or a Custom time frame
- You - The first section is an example of how personal point accumulation would be viewed in relation to others on your team
- Teams - The second section is an example of total team point accumulation for your team against other teams, where the teams highlighted are the teams that the viewer is a part of
Top users - The third section is a list of all users in the organization, from most points earned to least
Hall of Fame
The Recognize Hall of Fame is a great way to visually showcase all the top Recognition recipients within your company in an efficient manner. For example, you are able to see and showcase top recipients by Badge across time periods, and filter by Badge and by Team. The Hall of Fame is disabled by default, but you can find instructions below for configuring it.
Use the links below to jump to specific instructions:
How to Configure the Hall of Fame
Viewing the Hall of Fame as a User
How to Configure the Hall of Fame
Below you will find the steps for enabling the Hall of Fame. We suggest waiting a bit after launching your programs to enable the Hall of Fame to allow time for data to accumulate. The Hall of Fame also isn't real-time and doesn't show who has the most Badges at the current moment in time. The data refreshes on a monthly basis to show top employees over chosen time periods (wk/month/qtr/yr).
- Click 'Menu' in the upper right corner of the page
- Click 'Company Admin' from the dropdown menu
- Once in the Company Admin portal, click the 'Settings' tab in the left hand navigation bar.
- Select Hall of Fame in the navigation pane on the right-hand side of the page to jump to Hall of Fame settings
- Toggle 'Enable the Hall Of Fame feature" from 'OFF' to 'ON'.
- Once this is done, refresh the browser (CMD+R for Macs, CTRL+R for Windows). The top navigation will now show 'Fame' with a trophy icon