Tasks can be thought of as directive-based recognitions that allow employees to be awarded points for very specific, verifiable actions. They are used as an opportunity for employees to earn points for such things as wellness challenges, or completion of training. Approved Tasks are not associated with Badges and do not show up in the Stream Page as social recognitions do. They are submitted and approved behind the scenes, but users can see past submitted Tasks from within their profile.
How to Complete/Submit a Task as a General User
- Select 'Tasks' from the top left navigation menu
- Enter a summary of the Task you completed
- Select the name of the Task you completed
- Enter how many times the Task was completed
- Add any additional comments you have regarding this Task
- If you wish to submit additional tasks, select '+Add task' and enter the corresponding information
- Click the 'Submit' button to send your Task(s) for approval
How to View Submitted Tasks as a General User
- Select your name/avatar from the upper right-hand corner beside the menu button to open your profile
- Select 'Tasks' from the menu below your profile header to view all of your Task submissions
- View the Status of each submitted Task on the right side of the table